Saturday, January 23, 2010

Venetian Sunset

This has been the most beautiful sunset I've ever witnessed thus far.

I traveled to Venice on train from Milan in 2008. At the end of the 3 hour ride I looked outside the window to see that only water filled my sights on both sides of the train. Naturally, I squeaked "OMG WE'RE IN VENICE!!!" Its not the same as seeing the pictures and watching the video clips (even in HD). Its just such a feeling of excitement and joy to be able to witness with your own eyes such beauty and marvel. I remember stepping out of the train station, to the "taxi" sign, expecting a yellow taxi to roll up on asphalt, only to see a yellow taxi float its way to my feet.


I wandered through the city until night came and arrived at St. Mark's square. There, my friends and I sat with our feet hanging over the canal edge, watching the sun set behind the Basilica.

Great euphoria came over me as I watched this common, but gorgeous site. I felt so happy and content with my life, being given this opportunity to be in Venice. I was so thankful for supportive family and friends (and kind financial allowances). I fell in love at this snapshot of my life. Its not the same as falling in love with a person or object. It was a fulfillment kind of love. I was in love not for any reason or anyone.  I was content, satisfied, and overwhelmingly pleased just to be able to watch the sun go down. It was a feeling that I reminisce about and miss dearly every time I see these photos. It was also a feeling that I hope to be able to share with another person, intimately, when time and opportunity permits.

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