Saturday, January 22, 2011

Library into the Future

This is the famous, or often times, infamous, Dr. Seuss Geisel Library of UCSD. I believe this image is at f/20 for 30 seconds (wow!)

Painted? Comic book cut out? Brain experiments going on? Alienesque? What do you think of when you see this picture?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge

Before I was very against using Adobe Photoshop with digital photography. I felt that photography, as an art, should stand by itself and that all the skills of capturing a beautiful photo should come from the actual taking the photo. With the advances in digital technology, I've come to accept that digital images and photoshop must go hand in hand. Here are my attempts with the different features of photoshop using my photo of the Golden Gate Bridge taken in San Francisco last December.

This is the original photo. Very gloomy day indeed.

Playing with color accent.

Saturation. This one is my favorite because the first time I saw the bridge and all the scenery surrounding it, I felt as if I was looking at a large canvas paiting. Very surreal.

Sepia. This one reminds me of all the old photos you see of San Francisco during the Gold Rush Era.